Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Very Unofficial Start to Our Kitchen Renovation

Our kitchen is very special. We have brown cabinets set against orange counter tops.  We have our fridge in a hole that is way too big. There are 3 different light switches used to turn the lights on. The appliances take me on a trip back in time to probably before I was born and are probably half the size of appliances people would buy today. I really feel like I've crossed into the Twilight Zone when I remember my kitchen and bathrooms have carpet but the living areas have tile and marble (???).

I mostly got used to all of this and most of the time am not even phased by the color scheme. The one thing I could never get used to is the dishwasher.

Not only is the inside tiny and somehow the rack doesn't line up to easily put dishes in, but it is pretty much the biggest liability we have going on. The door is a deathtrap. It's super heavy and will come crashing down, almost to the floor. This makes it very scary and annoying to fill since the bottom rack will come sliding down.

With a small dog and a baby that will one day become mobile, this thing had to go. We took advantage of a President's Day Sale and bought our first new appliance!

I told my dad it's the nicest appliance I have ever owned, which is true. He told me that's sad. Maybe it is. I realized it's actually the first appliance I have ever bought. That might be sad too.

I really will miss the wood paneling, but it's the price we have to pay to get rid of the death trap.

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